About EWPC and Its Mission


Thank you for visiting EWPC! We are a Christian, spiritually based, loving church. Our members are devoted to developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, caring for each other, pursuing spiritual education and reaching out to the greater Whittier, CA community.


At the core of Presbyterian belief is the sovereignty of God, the authority of the scripture, justification by grace through faith and the priesthood of all believers. We believe that God is the supreme authority throughout the universe. Our knowledge of God and God’s purpose for humanity comes from the Bible, particularly what is revealed in the New Testament and through the life of Jesus Christ. Our salvation (justification) through Jesus is God’s generous gift to us, and it is not the result of our own accomplishments. It is everyone’s job — ministers and lay people alike — to share this Good News with the whole world.


Comprised of elders, installed pastors and associate pastors, the Session is the governing council of the church. Through prayerful discernment, Session guides our congregation to become a community of faith, hope, love and witness.


Elders and Deacons follow Christ’s example of servant leadership. At EWPC, the role of Elder and Deacon are equal in stature and importance, but differ in function and nature of service.

Elders are men and women who exercise leadership, government, discipline and responsibility for the life of our church. Elders serve as members of the Session, the governing body of the church.

Deacons are men and women who are called to the ministry of mercy and compassion. Deacons serve on Sunday mornings as greeters and worship assistants. They provide prayer support, assist in church functions and encourage those in crisis.

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